-- CADP (CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED PROCESSES) -- http://cadp.inria.fr [Last updated: Mon Nov 4 10:53:00 CET 2024] This directory contains an example for BCG, BCG_MIN, BISIMULATOR, CAESAR, CAESAR.ADT, EVALUATOR, OPEN/CAESAR, PROJECTOR, and SVL. It describes a reliable atomic multicast protocol written in full LOTOS (with values). * This example originates from the HP Labs in Bristol. * It is described in detail in: * Simon Bainbridge and Laurent Mounier * Specification and Verification of a Reliable Multicast Protocol * Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Bristol, U.K. * HPL-91-163, oct 1991 * It is summarized in: * Fernandez, Garavel, Mounier, Rasse, Rodriguez, and Sifakis * A Toolbox for the Verification of LOTOS Programs * Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software * Engineering ICSE'14 (Melbourne, Australia), may 1992 * Lori A. Clarke, editor, ACM. Three versions of the rel/REL protocol are described: - Version A (rel_rel_A.lnt) and Version B (rel_rel_B.lnt): they describe an architecture composed of 1 Transmitter and 2 Receiver nodes. These versions are verified using equivalence checking and model checking. - Version C (rel_rel_C.lnt): it describes an architecture composed of 1 Transmitter and 3 Receiver nodes. This version is verified compositionally with user-given interfaces. The file "demo.svl" describes the verification of the protocol. You can execute it by typing: $ svl demo or even simply $ svl Detailed explanations on the verification scenario are given in "demo.svl". After execution of the SVL scenario, all generated files can be removed by typing $ svl -clean demo or even simply $ svl -clean Note: The following tables summarize the sizes of the LTSs generated compositionally from the LOTOS specification of version C, before and after minimization modulo strong equivalence, using either CAESAR 6.0 (CADP 2001 "Ottawa") or CAESAR 7.0 (CADP 2006 "Edinburgh"). Let Ri = (RECEIVER_NODE_i -||? "interface.lotos":INTERFACE [R_Ti, ...]) where i = 1, 2, 3 T = CRASH_TRANSMITTER A1 = (R2 |[R23, R32]| R3) -|[RT_2, RT_3]| T A2 = (R1 |[R12, R21, R13, R31]| A1) -|[RT_1, RT_2, RT_3]| T and F = hide ... in (A2 |[RT_1, RT_2, RT_3]| T) Using CAESAR 6.0: +----+-----------------------++-----------------------+ | | before minimization || after minimization | |6.0 +---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | | states | transitions || states | transitions | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | Ri | 16,674 | 108,047 || 1,088 | 14,883 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | T | 187 | 264 || 50 | 151 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | A1 | 66,929 | 969,382 || 31,475 | 431,072 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | A2 | 311,775 | 2,672,613 || 71,423 | 616,538 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | F | 286,117 | 2,302,600 || 150,911 | 1,249,375 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ Using CAESAR 7.0: +----+-----------------------++-----------------------+ | | before minimization || after minimization | |7.0 +---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | | states | transitions || states | transitions | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | Ri | 1,086 | 8,290 || 369 | 7,313 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | T | 187 | 264 || 50 | 151 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | A1 | 22,557 | 481,830 || 21,644 | 457,552 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | A2 | 212,545 | 2,453,385 || 137,086 | 1,535,507 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+ | F | 692,429 | 6,737,959 || 150,911 | 1,249,375 | +----+---------+-------------++---------+-------------+