module PROCESSOR (SIZE, VIRTUAL) is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process SLAVE [MSG: any] (ext: Extension, pc: PC, ID: Pid, index: Int) is case ext in DONT_CARE -> MSG (ID, "don't care", pc, "slave with index", index) | BITSTREAM -> MSG (ID, "bitstream", pc, "slave with index", index) | VECTOR -> MSG (ID, "vector", pc, "slave with index", index) end case end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process LEAF [MSG: any] (ext: Extension, pc: PC, ID: Pid) is case ext in DONT_CARE -> MSG (ID, "don't care", pc) | BITSTREAM -> MSG (ID, "bitstream", pc) | VECTOR -> MSG (ID, "vector", pc) end case end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process MASTER [ST, MSG: any] (ext: Extension, pc: PC, slave_pc: PC, slave_ext: Extension, number_slaves: Int, continuation: PC, ID: Pid, in out s: Job_Desc_Stack) is case ext in DONT_CARE -> case slave_ext in DONT_CARE -> MSG (ID, "don't care master", pc, "before don't care dup") | BITSTREAM -> MSG (ID, "don't care master", pc, "before bitstream dup") | VECTOR -> MSG (ID, "don't care master", pc, "before vector dup") end case | BITSTREAM -> case slave_ext in DONT_CARE -> MSG (ID, "bitstream master", pc, "before don't care dup") | BITSTREAM -> MSG (ID, "bitstream master", pc, "before bitstream dup") | VECTOR -> MSG (ID, "bitstream master", pc, "before vector dup") end case | VECTOR -> case slave_ext in DONT_CARE -> MSG (ID, "vector master", pc, "before don't care dup") | BITSTREAM -> MSG (ID, "vector master", pc, "before bitstream dup") | VECTOR -> MSG (ID, "vector master", pc, "before vector dup") end case end case; DUP [ST] (ID, slave_pc, slave_ext, number_slaves, EXEC (continuation, -1), !?s) end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process DUP [ST: any] (id: Pid, pc: PC, ext:Extension, count: Int, cont: Job_Desc, in out s: Job_Desc_Stack) is s := push (cont, s); ST (id, DUP (pc, ext, count)) end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- process PROCESSOR [ST, LD_RQ, LD_RSP, WAKEUP, BOOT, MSG: any] (id:Pid, ext:Extension) is var j: Job_Desc, s: Job_Desc_Stack in s := empty_stack; BOOT (id, ext); loop WAKEUP (id); loop main_loop in LD_RQ (id); LD_RSP (id, ?j); case j in EXEC (any PC, any Int) -> EXECUTE [ST, MSG] (id, j, !?s) | WAIT_SLAVE -> null | DONE -> -- all slaves terminated, pop the continuation if (is_empty (s)) then break main_loop else j := head (s); s := pop (s); EXECUTE [ST, MSG] (id, j, !?s) end if | NONE -> break main_loop end case end loop end loop end var end process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end module