module APPLICATION (TYPES, SIZE, CONFIGURATION) is -- application with one main task two times forking N slaves process EXECUTE [ST, MSG: any] (id: Pid, j: Job_Desc, in out s: Job_Desc_Stack) is case j.pc of PC in DONT_CARE_1_1 -> MASTER [ST, MSG] (DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE_1_1, DONT_CARE_2, DONT_CARE, Int (N), DONT_CARE_1_2, ID, !?S) | DONT_CARE_1_2 -> MASTER [ST, MSG] (DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE_1_2, DONT_CARE_3, DONT_CARE, Int (N), DONT_CARE_1_3, ID, !?S) | DONT_CARE_1_3 -> LEAF [MSG] (DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE_1_3, ID) | DONT_CARE_2 -> SLAVE [MSG] (DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE_2, ID, j.index) | DONT_CARE_3 -> SLAVE [MSG] (DONT_CARE, DONT_CARE_3, ID, j.index) | any -> null -- to avoid a warning from lnt2lotos end case end process process HOST_APPLI [HOST: any] is HOST (HOST_JOB (DONT_CARE_1_1, DONT_CARE)); stop end process end module