------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (* * Step 1: an LTS model is generated from the specification "cim.lnt" using * the LNT2LOTOS, CAESAR.ADT, and CAESAR compilers. This LTS is then minimized * modulo strong equivalence using BCG_MIN; this preserves the truth values * of temporal logic formulas to be applied later. The resulting LTS is named * "cim.bcg". We compare it against the LTS generated from the original LOTOS * specification to make sure that the LOTOS and LNT specifications are * behaviourally equivalent *) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "cim.bcg" = strong reduction of generation of "cim.lnt"; % (cd LOTOS ; echo "" ; svl) "diag.bcg" = strong comparison "cim.bcg" == "LOTOS/cim.bcg"; % SVL_COMMAND_FOR_CLEAN "(cd LOTOS ; svl -clean)" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (* * Step 2: the 10 MCL properties characterizing the proper functioning of the * cim architecture are verified in turn. Each property is explained informally * and is specified in both MCL V3 (dataless formula) and MCL V4 (value-passing * formula) as a temporal formula. Dataless formulas are checked on "cim.bcg", * whereas value-passing formulas are checked on a version in which the labels * have been renamed for convenience, named "cim_ren.bcg". *) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "cim_ren.bcg" = total rename "\(.*\)![PR] (\([0-9]*\))\(.*\)" -> "\1!\2\3", "\(.*\)!CONS (P (\([0-9]*\)), \([0-9]*\), CONS (P (\([0-9]*\)), \([0-9]*\), CONS (P (\([0-9]*\)), \([0-9]*\), NIL)))" -> "\1!\2 !\3 !\4 !\5 !\6 !\7" in "cim.bcg"; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_01 "There is no deadlock in the system." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* ] < true > true; expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula (same as dataless formula for this property) "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* ] < true > true; expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % DEFAULT_MCL_LIBRARIES="standard.mcl" property PROP_02 "Initially, no product can be delivered before a corresponding request" "has been received." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator NEVER ( ((not "REQUEST !1 !1")* . "OUTPUT !P (1) !1") | ((not "REQUEST !1 !2")* . "OUTPUT !P (1) !2") | ((not "REQUEST !1 !3")* . "OUTPUT !P (1) !3") | ((not "REQUEST !2 !1")* . "OUTPUT !P (2) !1") | ((not "REQUEST !2 !2")* . "OUTPUT !P (2) !2") | ((not "REQUEST !2 !3")* . "OUTPUT !P (2) !3") | ((not "REQUEST !3 !1")* . "OUTPUT !P (3) !1") | ((not "REQUEST !3 !2")* . "OUTPUT !P (3) !2") | ((not "REQUEST !3 !3")* . "OUTPUT !P (3) !3") ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator forall PrType:Nat among { 1 ... 3 }, Qty:Nat among { 1 ... 2 } . NEVER ( (not { REQUEST !PrType !Qty })* . { OUTPUT !PrType !Qty } ); expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_03 "Every request for a product is eventually followed by the delivery of" "the desired quantity of that product." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* ] ( [ "REQUEST !1 !1" ] INEVITABLE ("OUTPUT !P (1) !1") and [ "REQUEST !1 !2" ] INEVITABLE ("OUTPUT !P (1) !2") and [ "REQUEST !2 !1" ] INEVITABLE ("OUTPUT !P (2) !1") and [ "REQUEST !2 !2" ] INEVITABLE ("OUTPUT !P (2) !2") and [ "REQUEST !3 !1" ] INEVITABLE ("OUTPUT !P (3) !1") and [ "REQUEST !3 !2" ] INEVITABLE ("OUTPUT !P (3) !2") ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator AFTER_1_INEVITABLE_2 ( { REQUEST ?PrType:Nat ?Qty:Nat }, { OUTPUT !PrType !Qty } ); expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_04 "Since the store has a capacity of two items per product and each request" "asks for at least one product item, at most two requests for a product" "can be handled without taking a new corresponding raw material meanwhile." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator NEVER ( true* . (* Two requests may occur, but three requests cannot *) 'REQUEST !1 .*' . (not ('REQUEST !1 .*' or 'OUTPUT !P (1) .*' or "INPUT !1"))* . 'REQUEST !1 .*' . (not ('REQUEST !1 .*' or 'OUTPUT !P (1) .*' or "INPUT !1"))* . 'REQUEST !1 .*' . (not ('REQUEST !1 .*' or 'OUTPUT !P (1) .*' or "INPUT !1"))* . 'OUTPUT !P (1) .*' . (not ('REQUEST !1 .*' or 'OUTPUT !P (1) .*' or "INPUT !1"))* . 'OUTPUT !P (1) .*' ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator forall PrType:Nat among { 1 ... 3 } . NEVER ( true* . (* Two requests can be handled without input, but not three *) ( { REQUEST !PrType ?any } . (not ({ REQUEST !PrType ?any } or { INPUT !PrType }))* . { OUTPUT !PrType ?any } ) { 3 } ); expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_05 "The store is initially full (every initial product request can be" "fulfilled without activating the production cells), but at any moment may" "potentially become empty." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator [ (not 'REQUEST.*')* ] ( [ "REQUEST !1 !1" ] ALWAYS_1_UNTIL_2 (not 'CMD .*', "OUTPUT !P (1) !1") and [ "REQUEST !1 !2" ] ALWAYS_1_UNTIL_2 (not 'CMD .*', "OUTPUT !P (1) !2") and [ "REQUEST !2 !1" ] ALWAYS_1_UNTIL_2 (not 'CMD .*', "OUTPUT !P (2) !1") and [ "REQUEST !2 !2" ] ALWAYS_1_UNTIL_2 (not 'CMD .*', "OUTPUT !P (2) !2") and [ "REQUEST !3 !1" ] ALWAYS_1_UNTIL_2 (not 'CMD .*', "OUTPUT !P (3) !1") and [ "REQUEST !3 !2" ] ALWAYS_1_UNTIL_2 (not 'CMD .*', "OUTPUT !P (3) !2") ) and [ true* ] < true* . "CMD_ST !READ !CONS (P (1), 0, CONS (P (2), 0, CONS (P (3), 0, NIL)))" > true; expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator [ (not { REQUEST ?any ?any })* . { REQUEST ?PrType:Nat ?Qty:Nat } ] ALWAYS_1_UNTIL_2 (not { CMD ?any ?any }, { OUTPUT !PrType !Qty }) and [ true* ] < true* . { CMD_ST !"READ" ?any !0 ?any !0 ?any !0 } > true; expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_06 "Each time a workcell is activated, it will eventually make, one by one," "the requested quantity of products." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* ] ( [ "CMD !1 !1" ] INEVITABLE ("PUT !P (1)") and [ "CMD !1 !2" ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ("PUT !P (1)", "PUT !P (1)") and [ "CMD !2 !1" ] INEVITABLE ("PUT !P (2)") and [ "CMD !2 !2" ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ("PUT !P (2)", "PUT !P (2)") and [ "CMD !3 !1" ] INEVITABLE ("PUT !P (3)") and [ "CMD !3 !2" ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ("PUT !P (3)", "PUT !P (3)") ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* . { CMD ?PrType:Nat ?Qty:Nat } ] INEVITABLE_1_TIMES_2 ({ PUT !PrType }, Qty); expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_07 "After receiving a command, a workcell cannot make a product before being" "fed with a corresponding raw material." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* ] ( NEVER ('CMD !1 .*' . (not "GET !R (1)")* . "PUT !P (1)") and NEVER ('CMD !2 .*' . (not "GET !R (2)")* . "PUT !P (2)") and NEVER ('CMD !3 .*' . (not "GET !R (3)")* . "PUT !P (3)") ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator NEVER ( true* . { CMD ?PrType:Nat ?any } . (not { GET !PrType })* . { PUT !PrType } ); expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_08 "Once the store is empty, the delivery corresponding to a product request" "cannot occur before the workcell involved has successfully executed the" "production command." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator NEVER ( true* . (* Empty store *) "CMD_ST !READ !CONS (P (1), 0, CONS (P (2), 0, CONS (P (3), 0, NIL)))" . ( ('REQUEST !1 .*' . (not "RDY !1")* . 'OUTPUT !P (1) .*') | ('REQUEST !2 .*' . (not "RDY !2")* . 'OUTPUT !P (2) .*') | ('REQUEST !3 .*' . (not "RDY !3")* . 'OUTPUT !P (3) .*') ) ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator NEVER ( (* Empty store *) true* . { CMD_ST !"READ" ?any !0 ?any !0 ?any !0 } . { REQUEST ?PrType:Nat ?any } . (not { RDY !PrType })* . { OUTPUT !PrType ?any } ); expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_09 "Every time the store does not contain sufficient products to fulfill a" "request, there will be supply demands for the corresponding raw material." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* ] ( (* Product of type 1 *) [ "REQUEST !1 !1" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (1), 0.*' ] INEVITABLE ("INPUT !1") and [ "REQUEST !1 !2" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (1), 0.*' ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ("INPUT !1", "INPUT !1") and [ "REQUEST !1 !2" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (1), 1.*' ] INEVITABLE ("INPUT !1") and (* Product of type 2 *) [ "REQUEST !2 !1" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (2), 0.*' ] INEVITABLE ("INPUT !2") and [ "REQUEST !2 !2" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (2), 0.*' ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ("INPUT !2", "INPUT !2") and [ "REQUEST !2 !2" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (2), 1.*' ] INEVITABLE ("INPUT !2") and (* Product of type 3 *) [ "REQUEST !3 !1" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (3), 0.*' ] INEVITABLE ("INPUT !3") and [ "REQUEST !3 !2" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (3), 0.*' ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ("INPUT !3", "INPUT !3") and [ "REQUEST !3 !2" . (not 'REQUEST .*')* . 'CMD_ST !READ !.*P (3), 1.*' ] INEVITABLE ("INPUT !3") ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* . { REQUEST ?PrType:Nat ?Qty:Nat } . (not { REQUEST ?any ?any })* . { CMD_ST !"READ" ?any ?Qty_1:Nat ?any ?Qty_2:Nat ?any ?Qty_3:Nat } ] ( (((PrType = 1) and (Qty_1 = 0)) or ((PrType = 2) and (Qty_2 = 0)) or ((PrType = 3) and (Qty_3 = 0))) implies INEVITABLE_1_TIMES_2 ({ INPUT !PrType }, Qty) ); expected TRUE end property ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- property PROP_10 "Every time a workcell receives a command for a product, the two transport" "belts will be inevitably started to carry the raw material and the" "product." is -- dataless formula "cim.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* ] ( [ 'CMD !1 .*' ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ('WIN !1 .*', "WOUT !P (1)") and [ 'CMD !2 .*' ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ('WIN !2 .*', "WOUT !P (2)") and [ 'CMD !3 .*' ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ('WIN !3 .*', "WOUT !P (3)") ); expected TRUE; -- value-passing formula "cim_ren.bcg" |= with evaluator [ true* . { CMD ?PrType:Nat ?any } ] INEVITABLE_1_THEN_2 ({ WIN !PrType ?any }, { WOUT !PrType }); expected TRUE end property -------------------------------------------------------------------------------