-- CADP (CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED PROCESSES) -- http://cadp.inria.fr [Last updated: Thu Dec 12 11:05:15 CET 2024] This directory contains an example for BCG_MIN, BCG_STEADY, BISIMULATOR, CAESAR, CAESAR.ADT, DETERMINATOR, EVALUATOR, and SVL. It describes the formal specification in LNT and LOTOS, the functional verification (by model checking and equivalence checking) and performance evaluation of a turntable system dedicated to the drilling of metal products. This example is freely adapted from two descriptions in the Chi language presented in: V. Bos and J.J.T. Kleijn. Formal Specification and Analysis of Industrial Systems. PhD Thesis, Chapter 8, Technical University of Eindhoven, March 2002. E. Bortnik, N. Trcka, A.J. Wijs, S.P. Luttik, J.M. van de Mortel-Fronczak, J.C.M. Baeten, W.J. Fokkink, and J.E. Rooda. Analyzing a Chi Model of a Turntable System using Spin, CADP, and Uppaal. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 65(2):51-104, November-December 2005. The LOTOS specification of the turntable and the temporal logic properties were written by R. Mateescu. See http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Mateescu-06-b.html and http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Mateescu-08.html and http://cadp.inria.fr/case-studies/04-f-turntable.html and the corresponding slideshow at http://cadp.inria.fr/ftp/presentations/Mateescu-ETR-05.pdf The LOTOS specification was translated to LNT by Hubert Garavel, on the basis of a student project done by Marius Hollinger (Saarland University, Germany). The equivalence checking verification consists in comparing two versions of the turntable system, equipped with a sequential and a parallel master controller, respectively. The model checking verification consists in evaluating a set of temporal logic properties on the two versions of the turntable system. The performance evaluation consists in computing the throughput of product delivery for the two versions of the system, by varying the speed of the various processing phases (drilling, testing, turning, etc.). Files: ARCHITECTURE.lnt LNT spec. of turntable architecture COMPONENTS.lnt LNT spec. of physical devices and controllers CONTROLLER_PAR.lnt LNT spec. of parallel master controller CONTROLLER_SEQ.lnt LNT spec. of sequential master controller DEFINITIONS.lnt LNT spec. of types and channels VIRTUAL.lnt LNT spec. of virtual processes turntable_par.lnt LNT spec. of system with parallel controller turntable_seq.lnt LNT spec. of system with sequential controller turntable.plot Gnuplot template LOTOS/ARCHITECTURE.lib LOTOS spec. of turntable architecture LOTOS/COMPONENTS.lib LOTOS spec. of physical devices and controllers LOTOS/CONTROLLER_PAR.lib LOTOS spec. of parallel master controller LOTOS/CONTROLLER_SEQ.lib LOTOS spec. of sequential master controller LOTOS/turntable_par.lotos LOTOS spec. of system with parallel controller LOTOS/turntable_seq.lotos LOTOS spec. of system with sequential controller demo.svl SVL verification script Results/tt_*_*.thr throughput data computed by CADP (output) Result/turntable.ps PostScript file containing throughput figures The demo can be run by typing $ svl demo or even simply $ svl After the verification you may type $ svl -clean demo or even simply $ svl -clean to remove all the generated files.