-- CADP (CONSTRUCTION AND ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTED PROCESSES) -- http://cadp.inria.fr [Last updated: Tue Dec 10 18:22:56 CET 2024] This directory contains two examples of Web services specified both in LOTOS and LNT, and verified using CAESAR.ADT, CAESAR, EVALUATOR, and SVL. The first example, described in [Chirichiello-Salaun-05], is a stock management system. The second one, described in [Salaun-Ferrara-Chirichiello-04], describes an on-line book auction. See http://cadp.inria.fr/case-studies/04-d-web-services.html [Chirichiello-Salaun-05] Antonella Chirichiello and Gwen Salau"n. "Encoding Abstract Descriptions into Executable Web Services: Towards a Formal Development Negotiation among Web Services using LOTOS/CADP." In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI'2005 (Compiegne, France), September 2005. http://cadp.inria.fr/publications/Chirichiello-Salaun-05.html [Salaun-Ferrara-Chirichiello-04] Gwen Salau"n, Andrea Ferrara, and Antonella Chirichiello. "Negotiation among Web Services using LOTOS/CADP." In Liang-Jie Zhang (editor), Proceedings of the European Conference on Web Services ECOWS'04 (Erfurt, Germany), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3250, pp. 198-212, Springer Verlag, September 2004. The BPEL description of the stock management system is included in the present demo (see files *.bpel and *.wsdl in the "src" directory). This description can be used for simulation using, e.g., the Oracle BPEL Process Manager 2.0 and Microsoft Access. Screenshots from such a simulation are given in file "doc/screenshots.pdf". The whole verification scenario is described and commented in the file "demo.svl". It can be executed by typing: $ svl demo or even simply $ svl After execution of the SVL scenario, all generated files can be removed by typing $ svl -clean demo or even simply $ svl -clean