This newsletter is available from the CADP Home page. A few URLs in this page have been updated in November 2011.
We received many questions regarding the status of work on CADP. Please find below up-to-date information.
The current "official" version of CADP is Version 97a "Twente", released on June, 6, 1997. You can find detailed information about Version 97a by looking at these Web pages:
A new release of CADP, Version 97b "Liege", is currently under preparation. This new version brings several major new features, namely:
This future version of CADP will be demonstrated soon:
Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingenierie des Protocoles (Liege, Belgium) September 30 - October, 2
Beta-versions of CADP 97b are available now. If you are interested in trying them, please contact "".
We are maintaining a database of publications and use cases of LOTOS and/or CADP tools. If you have such material (publications or technical reports), please send to the bibliographic references.
While we are adding new tools to CADP and porting it to new architectures, we have questions concerning the necessity to maintain some facilities currently present in CADP.
Please, look at the following questionnaire and, if you answer YES to one of these questions, please notify before October, 5, 1997. (You need not reply if you answer NO to all questions).
QUESTION 1: Do you use CADP together with the HIPPO simulator (developed during the SEDOS ESPRIT project) to flatten parameterized abstract data types before applying CAESAR and CAESAR.ADT? QUESTION 2: Do you use CADP together with the TESTGEN-LOTOS tool? QUESTION 3: Do you use CADP together with the TETRA tool? QUESTION 4: Do you use CADP together with the VISCOPE tool?